
All my clocks are wrong. Kind visitors want to set them right and offer to change them. However, no one has been able to figure out how. Not even Emma!

My dear daughter-in-law Chandra came from San Francisco to stay with me for three weeks when I was discharged from 6 months in hospital. She cooked for me and took care of me even when I didn’t feel well and got cranky.

My clock radios were all too old so we replaced them and Chandra easily set them and got them working properly. She’s a very clever gal.

Then the time changed! It is now one hour later than any of my clocks indicate.The only correct time in my home is on my wristwatch and the only one who gets to see it, is me.

I hate when they change the time. If we get to vote on it, I’m voting for it to stay the same always.


10 thoughts on “Tick-tock…

    • I just hate having to change all the clocks or have the wrong time. I have too many gadgets with the time on them. If YOU lived next door to me, I’m sure I could ask YOU to change them all for me. Ha, ha. Thanks for your comment. Muriel

  1. I’m so with you on this daylight savings time warp annoyance, Muriel! I heard that when Washington State finally decides to not change, BC will follow suit. This gets me speculating on who benefits?

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