Pssst! Wanna know a secret…

Psssst! Do you wanna know a secret? Do you promise not to tell?? Okay. Here goes…

I can type with one finger only since having hand surgery a couple of months ago, and my fingers (accustomed to touch-typing learned eons ago) refuse to share knowing where those darn letters are located on my keyboard with my brain, so I couldn’t write any posts for awhile.

PHOTO RIGHT: ‘Things are improving. No more hand brace!’

Life is a learning process. I keep discovering stuff and you, dear reader, are lucky because this is a BIGGIE, and I’m sharing it with you free of charge.

The secret????? ‘If you don’t write, they won’t read!!!!!’

It isn’t that your followers purposely desert you. It isn’t a devious plot — but without a reminder from WordPress about a new post, they just go on with their lives with nary a thought about you. They’re having coffee with friends or guzzling gin tonics and you’re the last thing on their minds. There’s nothing deliberate about it. It just happens.

You are hereby advised. Be aware!

SWhere you been?

Meanwhile, WordPress has ‘improved’ their system and I can’t figure out how to fix the quote below this last image. It should say: So, where have you been.’

Nor can I figure out how to get the quotes I want to be below the images to work like they used to. Oh, well. This isn’t the first time in my life I’ve been confused.

12 thoughts on “Pssst! Wanna know a secret…

  1. Oh, do I ever agree about WP’s “new improvements”! Frustrating trying to learn how to use it now.
    It doesn’t help that I suffered a concussion after fainting a few months back, following oral surgery!!
    Life is full of surprises, right? Let’s keep on healing, and never give up:)

    • I doubt that Rafi: However. I’m hopeful I may do okay after my fingers completely heal. I’m very encouraged — just have to be patient… Love you all three and can’t wait for the border to open so I can see you. love, Mom

  2. I am glad your hand is getting better. Yes it is difficult to type with one finger 🙂 I had been following some bloggers, some stop, I remember them for some time, then life goes on. Take care.

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